Fruitful Acres

Goats, sheep and poultry raised naturally!

Nubian Breed History

The DL Cupcake udder
The DL Cupcake

The DL Cupcake

Ranger was line bred on The DL Cupcake

Ranger was line bred on The DL Cupcake

Ranger as an adult

Ranger as an adult

Ranger and his first son Lone Ranger

Ranger and his first son Lone Ranger

Lone Ranger

Lone Ranger

I have read this breed description so many times and somehow missed the part where horns were being discriminated against starting in the 1930's. This explains why I had seen breed descriptions describing the Nubian breed as being polled in the late 1940's to early 1950's. In any case, there are very few polled Nubian goats left these days. I've identified 3 main lines in the US. We have one of them and lots of polled, milky crosses for those interested in the trait. Our polled lines come through The DL Cupcake, who made the Top Ten list the first year she was on test when she was 11 years old.